Sunday, June 23, 2013

Interesting stuff seen in our travels Part 2

This lovely and personable bird kept us company at Gwen's in Anguilla

There's a bit of irony to this photo 
taken in downtown Curacao

We found Needle and Thread Alley in Bermuda

This was the top of the wackky toilet 
we had in our apartment in Dominica

Ironically, the day after running into 
this interesting sign in Anguilla,
there was an earthquake.  
(Fortunately) no tsunami resulted.

Still not sure what the Truth is, 
but this sign in Sandy Ground, Anguilla 
was truthfully intriguing nonetheless

We found this cute sign in a restaurant in Dominica
BTW in the Caribbean the word 
"vex" = "pissed off" LOL

This gorgeous baby headstone gave us pause in Anguilla

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