Monday, April 29, 2013

Favorite Travel Sites Part 1
Hands down this is my favorite travel site out there.  I started doing travel reviews on this site more than 10 years ago and still do.  The site has evolved so much in the time that I've been a member and it just keeps getting better and better.  There's a forum where you can ask questions, you can now post reviews of restaurants and travel activities and so much more.
This search engine is fairly new to me but it's become a big favorite.  You can search for flights and even get the booking codes so that you or your travel agent (if you use one) can later find the flights. You can't purchase tickets on Matrix but you can do comprehensive searches.  The search engine also  keeps track of prior searches and is really quick.  Love it!

Quote of the Day
Tourists don't know 
where they've been, 

Travelers don't know 
where they're going. 
~ Paul Theroux

          a gorgeous sunset on       Grenada

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